444. An overview of Dynamic management views and functions of SQL 2005
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Dynamic management views and functions have been organized into the following categories.
Common Language Runtime Related Dynamic Management Views
Returns a row for each application domain in the server
Returns a row for each property related to common language runtime (CLR) integration
Returns a row for each managed user assembly loaded into the server address space
Returns a row for all common language runtime (CLR) tasks that are currently running
I/O Related Dynamic Management Views and Functions
Identifies the list of backup devices and the status of mount requests for backups
Returns the drive name of the shared drives if the current server is a clustered server
Returns a row for each pending I/O request in SQL Server.
Returns I/O statistics for data and log files.
Database Mirroring Related Dynamic Management Views
Returns a row for each database mirroring network connection.
Query Notifications Related Dynamic Management Views
Returns information about the active query notifications subscriptions in the server.
Database Related Dynamic Management Views
Returns space usage information for each file in the database.
Returns the number of pages allocated and deallocated by each session for the database.
Returns page and row-count information for every partition in the current database.
Returns page allocation and deallocation activity by task for the database.
Replication Related Dynamic Management Views
Returns information about database objects published as articles in a replication topology
Returns information about table columns published by replication
Returns information about transactions being replicated in a transactional publication.
Returns information on each replicated transaction
Execution Related Dynamic Management Views and Functions
Returns a row for each query processor job that is scheduled for asynchronous (background) execution.
Returns a row that provides aggregate statistics for each query processor job submitted for asynchronous (background) execution
Returns information about the query execution plans that are cached by SQL Server for faster query execution
sys.dm_exec_cursors Returns information about the cursors that are open in various databases
sys.dm_exec_query_optimizer_info Returns detailed statistics about the operation of the SQL Server query optimizer.
sys.dm_exec_query_stats Returns aggregate performance statistics for cached query plans
sys.dm_exec_sessions Returns one row per authenticated session on Microsoft SQL Server
sys.dm_exec_connections Returns information about the connections established to this instance of SQL Server on various databases by different users local/remote, and the details of each connection
sys.dm_exec_plan_attributes Returns one row per attribute associated with the plan specified by the plan handle
sys.dm_exec_query_plan returns the Showplan in XML format for a Transact-SQL batch whose query execution plan resides in the plan cache
sys.dm_exec_requests Returns information about each request that is executing within SQL Server
sys.dm_exec_sql_text Returns the text of the SQL statement that is given the sql_handle for that statement
Service Broker Related Dynamic Management Views
Returns a row for each stored procedure activated by Service Broker
sys.dm_broker_forwarded_messages Returns a row for each Service Broker message that an instance of SQL Server is in the process of forwarding
sys.dm_broker_connections Returns a row for each Service Broker network connection
sys.dm_broker_queue_monitors Returns a row for each queue monitor in the instance. A queue monitor manages activation for a queue.
Full-Text Search Related Dynamic Management Views
Returns information on the full-text catalogs that have some population activity in progress on the server
sys.dm_fts_crawl_ranges Returns information about the specific ranges related to a full-text index population currently in progress.
sys.dm_fts_memory_pools Returns information about the specific ranges related to a full-text index population currently in progress.
sys.dm_fts_crawls Returns information about the full-text index populations currently in progress
sys.dm_fts_memory_buffers Returns information about memory buffers belonging to a specific memory pool that are used as part of a full-text crawl or a full-text crawl range
SQL Operating System Related Dynamic Management Views
Returns the buffer pool buffer descriptors that are being used by a database on an instance of Microsoft SQL Server
sys.dm_os_child_instances Returns a row for each user instance that has been created from the parent database.
sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes Returns a row for each node in the virtual server configuration
sys.dm_os_hosts Returns all the hosts currently registered in an instance of SQL Server
sys.dm_os_latch_stats Returns information about all latch waits organized by class
sys.dm_os_loaded_modules Returns a row for each module loaded into the server address space
sys.dm_os_memory_cache_clock_hands Returns the status of each hand for a specific cache clock
sys.dm_os_memory_cache_counters Returns a snapshot of the health of a cache
sys.dm_os_memory_cache_entries Returns information about all entries in caches
sys.dm_os_memory_cache_hash_tables Returns a row for each active cache in the instance of SQL Server
sys.dm_os_memory_clerks Returns the set of all memory clerks that are currently active in the instance of SQL Server
sys.dm_os_memory_pools Returns a row for each object store in the instance of SQL Server
sys.dm_os_performance_counters Returns a row per performance counter maintained by the server
sys.dm_os_schedulers Returns one row per scheduler in SQL Server. Each scheduler is mapped to an individual processor in SQL Server
sys.dm_os_stacks Keep track of debug data such as outstanding allocations
Assume or validate logic that is used by SQL Server components in places where the component assumes that a certain call has been made
sys.dm_os_sys_info Returns a miscellaneous set of useful information about the computer, and about the resources available to and consumed by SQL Server
sys.dm_os_tasks Returns one row for each task that is active in the instance of SQL Server
sys.dm_os_threads Returns a list of all SQL Server Operating System threads that are running under the SQL Server process
sys.dm_os_virtual_address_dump Returns information about a range of pages in the virtual address space of the calling process
sys.dm_os_wait_stats Returns information about the waits encountered by threads that are in execution
sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks Returns information about the wait queue of tasks that are waiting on some resource.
sys.dm_os_workers Returns a row for every worker in the system
Returns memory objects that are currently allocated by the SQL Server
Index Related Dynamic Management Views and Functions
Returns current low-level I/O, locking, latching, and access method activity for each partition of a table or index in the database
Returns size and fragmentation information for the data and indexes of the specified table or view
Returns counts of different types of index operations and the time each type of operation was last performed.
Transaction Related Dynamic Management Views and Functions
Returns virtual table for all active transactions in all snapshot-enabled databases under the SQL Server instance
sys.dm_tran_current_snapshot Returns a virtual table that displays all active transactions at the time when the current snapshot transaction starts
sys.dm_tran_database_transactions Returns information about transactions at the database level
sys.dm_tran_session_transactions Returns correlation information for associated transactions and sessions
sys.dm_tran_transactions_snapshot Returns a virtual table for the sequence_number of transactions that are active when each snapshot transaction starts
sys.dm_tran_active_transactions Returns information about transactions for the SQL Server instance.
sys.dm_tran_current_transaction Returns a single row that displays the state information of the transaction in the current session
sys.dm_tran_locks Returns information about currently active lock manager resources
sys.dm_tran_top_version_generators Returns a virtual table for the objects producing the most versions in the version store
sys.dm_tran_version_store Returns a virtual table that displays all version records in the version store


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